At the last AGM a number of the committee resigned due to various reasons - therefore the Society are looking for new committee members.
What does being on the committee involve? - currently there are only two or three meetings a year, and apart from the odd bit of emailining thats it! But the Society would like to recruit some new people onto the committee who would like to eventually take over the running of the Society, but more importantly develop the Society into a useful addition to the village. The last few years have seen huge changes to the village, and the Society have tried to challenge those which we felt would destroy our lovely little village. But the committee also feel that the Society could do more - but to do this we need some new and possibly younger blood, who will take the committee forward.
Some possible thoughts
Organising litter picks
Clearing Hedges
Organising Events
Helping the neighbours
If you think you could be interested please contact us on email
Over the last few years, the Society, realised that we had to be more up to date with communicating with the village, and move away from the leaflet drop once a year. To that end we now obviously have a website, and facebook presence. But the person currently running the site, no longers lives in the village and therefore it is slightly difficult to keep the website up to date not knowing what is going on. But also again the committee feel that it is something that could be utilised more, and become something that is useful for all villagers. Again it needs somebody to volunteer, it is really nothing complicated the website is in place, it just needs somebody who can log on and update the information, and use facebook. Of course there is an opportunity to develop it further, of continue as is.
Currently it probably takes up about 4/5 hours each year.
If you are interested please contact us on email